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Congressman Schulze was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1974, representing the 5th Congressional District of Pennsylvania.

Congressman Schulze served in Congress for eighteen (18) years. Schulze’s district encompassed the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area and Pennsylvania Dutch County. While serving as a member of Congress, Schulze was a top-ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee for sixteen (16) years and was the ranking Republican member on the Oversight Subcommittee.

Congressman Schulze was a leader in International Trade and Foreign and Domestic Taxation matters while serving on the Trade Subcommittee for sixteen (16) years where he vigorously championed American Business and Workers’ Rights while advocating for symmetrical trade access with foreign markets. Schulze fought against foreign dumping practices in the United States and was successful in amending a 1984 trade bill measure which would have relaxed the anti-dumping rules applicable to communist countries.

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