Elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1983, Congressman Tallon represented South Carolina’s 6th Congressional District for ten (10) years. Congressman Tallon’s District encompassed a large, diverse population. Prior to being elected to the United States Congress, Congressman Tallon served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Tallon was also a highly successful businessman prior to serving in a public office. Tallon owned and operated several businesses including Tallon Real Estate, Robin’s Men’s Stores and Tallon Construction & Development.
Congressman Tallon maintains a reputation in Washington as a tenacious and effective lobbyist. In 1993, Congressman Tallon became the Vice President of Federal Affairs for the Tobacco Institute and successfully developed and implemented a lobby strategy to battle industry adversaries.
Congressman Tallon won the respect of his fellow Members of Congress early in his congressional career by demonstrating his ability to build coalitions and work with multiple issues. Congressman Tallon served on the Agriculture Committee where he was appointed Chairman of the Subcommittee of Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations and Nutrition. This Subcommittee has oversight responsibilities for more than fifty percent of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (“USDA’s”) operating budget. Additionally, Congressman Tallon served on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee and served as Chairman of the Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus.